
Saranac Lake Fish And Game Club Events


Lake Colby Free Kids Fishing Derby

Click here to see how local fathers and grandfathers celebrated Father’s Day at the annual Kids Fishing Derby at Lake Colby on Sunday, hosted by the Saranac Lake Fish and Game Club.

1. You must register before participating in the derby at the Lake Colby beach house starting at 8:00 am.
2. Participants must be younger than, and not including 16 years of age. The prize categories are for ages: 6 & under; 7-9, 10-12 and 13-15 years of age. Each participant must be accompanied by an adult.
3. All fish must be caught between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm in Lake Colby using your own gear and bait.
4. Prizes will be awarded for the top three longest fish in each of the 5 fish categories and age groups. In the case of a tie, the winner will be the first entered.
5. The 5 fish categories are as follows: Trout; Salmon; Perch; Small and Large Mouth Bass; Pumpkinseed/Shiners/Rock Bass/Sunfish.
6. No fish will be accepted as valid after 12:15 pm on the day of the derby.
7. All fish will be measured for length.
8. If a tagged salmon is caught, a prize of $25.00 will be awarded. This does not exclude that fish from winning an additional prize based on length.
9. The Derby Judge has the right to disqualify any entry he/she determines was obtained in an unsportsmanlike manner or appears, in his/her judgment, to have been falsified or in violation of the derby rules. The Derby Judges’ decision is final.
10. The prizes will be awarded at 12:30 pm on the day of the derby at the Lake Colby beach house.

Participants must follow all rules and regulations herein and abide by all applicable water and fish and game laws or shall be disqualified. New York Environmental conservation officers may be present at the derby.

We expect fish entered to be caught and reeled in by the youth. An adult may assist, but we expect that youth has caught that fish. Remember that when an adult catches a fish for a youth, and enters that fish, another youth is being denied his entry. Teaching responsible fishing starts with adults abiding by the rules & regulations.


Fish at Your Own Risk: By entering this derby, all participants agree that no persons, organizations, State, or federal agencies involved in this derby shall have any liability for accidents or injuries incurred while fishing or during travel to or from the derby.


Lake Colby Ice Fishing Derby

The Colby Classic Ice Fishing Derby is held on the first weekend of March on Lake Colby. Registration, before fishing, is between 7:00am and 4:00pm each day. The registration area is at the Lake Colby Public Beach.

Prizes are awarded for the longest fish in its category. There are four categories: perch, trout, salmon and northern pike. All perch, trout and salmon must be taken from Lake Colby. Since northern pike are not available in Lake Colby, pike may be fished in other local waters. There are door prizes for many entrants.

Participants must follow all rules and regulations herein and abide by all appli-cable fish and game laws or shall be disqualified. New York Environmental conservation officers will be present at the Derby.

1. You must register before participating in the Derby and be licensed to fish.
2. Saturday, March 2, 2024: All fish brought to the Lake Colby Beach house will be measured for length between 7:00 am until 4:15 pm on said date.
3. Sunday March 3, 2024: All fish brought to the Lake Colby Beach house will be measured for length between 7:00 am until 3:15 pm on said date.
4. Fish caught in Lake Colby must be brought immediately to the inspection station to be measured. NO frozen fish will be accepted.
5. Northern Pike are not available in Lake Colby and, as such, participants may use, a real time application to fish in local/public waters as specified in said application. Northern Pike will be accepted for measuring at Lake Colby Beach House during normal measuring hours.
6. All Northern Pike must be caught between 7:00 am on March 2, 2023, and 3:00 pm on March 3, 2023. If two fish of equal length are entered, and are both measured and documented the same way, the one considered caught first will be based on the time at which the application shows the fish entered. See for additional rules/regulations.
7. All fish are to be measured the day they are caught.
8. Tagged fish, with tags matching this year's numbers, are not eligible for any other category prizes.
9. Derby officials have the right to inspect any and all fish entered and request verification. Derby Judges have the right to disqualify any entry they deter-mine was obtained in an unsportsmanlike manner or appears, in their judgment, to have been falsified or in violation of the Derby rules. Derby Judges decisions are final.
10. Prizes will be awarded to the top three longest fish in each category. In the case of a tie, the winner will be the first fish entered.
11. Only one prize per person per category will be awarded.

We expect fish entered in any youth category to be caught by that youth. An adult may assist, but we expect that adults will not catch and enter in the youth category. Remember that when an adult catches a fish for a youth, and enters that fish, another youth is being denied his entry. Teaching responsible fishing starts with adults abiding by the rules & regulations.


Don’t forget our raffle drawings or the door prizes that may be awarded on both Derby days.

Fish at Your Own Risk: By entering this Derby, all participants agree that no persons, organizations, State or federal agencies involved in this Derby shall have any liability for accidents or injuries incurred on the ice, or during travel to or from the Derby.

Click on the following link for this years 2024 Winners and a list of this year's Colby Classic Sponsors


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The Raffle and Picnic will be held on a Saturday. Winners have an opportunity to win the 10 guns that are being raffled along with a bonus cash drawing. Each ticket can win more than once!

When - Saturday, September 7, with the picnic scheduled to begin at 12 noon and the drawing to follow.
What - 10 gun raffle and bonus cash prize.
How - Event this weekend. Raffle Tickets


Gun shows are held at the Club on a weekend in January and in July respectively. Dealers from the around the North Country display their stock, providing opportunities for buying and selling firearms, ammunition and accessories.


The Trudeau Big Buck contest has been held annually for 100 years. Past winner names can be found on the plaques in the first room of the Club House. Anyone can enter but you must register and pay entry fee prior to harvesting the buck. The only place to sign up is at Woods & Waters at 255 Broadway, Saranac Lake, NY. The cost to enter is $20 for each season; i.e. Archery, Muzzle-loading, Regular Rifle. All entries must be weighed at Woods & Waters and must have all internal organs removed before being weighed. There are prizes for each category (Archery, Muzzle-loading, Regular Big Game, Lucky Entry, and Lucky Secret Weight) based on the heaviest weight. The overall heaviest deer in the Contest gets their hunter's name on the big trophy, and their own trophy along with a cash prize. Only northern zone bucks can be entered in the contest. No down State deer are permitted.


A potluck dinner for Members and their families is held in February at the Club House. All dishes are welcome, especially game taken in the recent hunting seasons.


The Christmas Pie Sale occurs on the Saturday of the week before Christmas. This has been a traditional fund raiser for about 30 years. A small group of volunteers call the membership by telephone asking each household to make a bake good. We only sell homemade bake goods and feature pies. (If a pie is brought down that is not homemade it does not go into the sale) If the member does not bake pies then they supply homemade cakes, cookies or stollen. Berry and fruit pies sell the best and we get premium prices for our pies. A large berry or fruit pie would be sold in the neighborhood of $18. We know that the costs of making large juicy pies is not cheap and we value the labor and love in the making of such pies. Mincemeat is another big seller (we need to know if it is beef or venison) as is Coconut Cream. Some members specialize in some way. One member is known for her monster cookies while another makes sugarless baked goods for diabetics.

Over the years we have changed locations. The Bake Sale is currently setup at Coakleys. Bakers bring their pies to us between 8:30-10:00am and we sell from 9:00 until about 1:00pm. Bob Brown use to chair it for several years. To run the event, four phone callers are needed two weeks before the event and 4-6 members to run the event on sale day. If a member cannot bake an item for the sale we ask that they come down and buy a bake-goods on the day of the sale. We pride ourselves in having the best bakers in the area.

Saranac Lake Fish & Game Club
P.O. Box 588, Saranac Lake, NY 12983 · 518-891-2560

© Saranac Lake Fish & Game Club  ·  Designed by Rainbow Graphics
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